Performance Evaluation of the Gender Equality Council
The report developed by Transparency International Georgia within the framework of the parliamentary monitoring project evaluates the performance of the Gender Equality Council (hereafter – the Council) in the Parliament of 10th Convocation in a period between 11 December 2020 and 1 June 2022 (hereafter – the reporting period).
The report is based on the FOIAs requested from the Parliament, as well as information available on the website of the Parliament and monitoring conducted by our organization.
Key Findings
The Council was actively involved in the working process of the thematic inquiry groups and monitored the implementation of recommendations developed by the groups. The Council members presented their legislative initiatives to the parliament, the adoption of which should be positively evaluated in terms of the protection of women’s rights.
The full formation of the Gender Equality Council of the parliament of the 10th convocation was belated which hindered its normal functioning. During the reporting period, significant commitments were not fulfilled, for instance: gender analysis of legislation, adding gender impact component in an explanatory note of the bill, etc. The Government of Georgia did not timely submit reports to the Council.
The following positive trends were identified in the performance of the Gender Equality Council during the reporting period:
- A draft legislative amendment abolishing “victim status” as a prerequisite for using shelter services was initiated;
- A concept and a methodology for integrating the Gender Impact Analysis (GIA) in the work of the parliament was developed by the working group of the Council in cooperation with experts;
- The Council worked on amendments and legislative initiatives, including changing the status of a single parent and the Law on Gender Equality;
- The Council completed monitoring of the recommendations developed by two thematic inquiry groups. 35 of the given recommendations were fully fulfilled, 14 were partially implemented and 23 were not implemented. The monitoring is ongoing on the implementation of recommendations developed by yet another thematic inquiry group.
Challenges regarding Gender Equality:
- The commitments under the Action Plan are not implemented timely. Although active steps were taken on developing a methodology of Gender Impact Analysis (GIA), the Council did not present gender analysis of legislative initiatives to the parliament during the reporting period;
- The fulfillment of the Council’s recommendations and reporting on implementation by the accountable officials are low;
- The Government does not submit reports to the Council timely. After hearing reports, the Council does not issue recommendations;
- The timelines and indicators defined in the Action Plan for the Council’s activities are very broad.
Legislative Process:
● Gender Impact Assessment shall be carried out on prominent initiatives and engagement of the committees in the process of gender analysis is important;
● The Rules of Procedure shall determine that explanatory note provide information about impact on gender equality (if any);
● Gender analysis of the budget project should be carried out annually, promptly;
● With respect to the law-making, in particular, regarding the femicide, the Council shall become more interested in current challenges, and take effective steps within its mandate; including the development of a relevant draft law to regulate “femicide” in the Criminal Code.
The performance of the Council:
● The Council should strengthen oversight of the government activities related to gender issues, summon responsible persons to meetings, issue relevant recommendations and monitor their implementation;
● At request of the Council, the responsible persons should take follow liability envisaged by the legislation, they must present relevant information to the Council and, if necessary, report to the Council;
● Similar to the Open Governance Council, the Gender Equality Council's statute shall define establishment of a consultative group composed of representatives of local and international organizations;
● Statements of the Council shall be published on the official website of the Parliament;
● In order to operate at full capacity along with the committees, and to conduct gender analysis of the draft laws, it is advisable to strengthen the Council's apparatus with human resources.