Donation Policy
The National Chapters and the Secretariat of TI (TI-S) are funded by diverse sources: foundations, governments, the private sector, individuals, membership fees, income from publications, events and other activities, and from an endowment fund. Relying on many sources of income helps TI to maintain its independence.
Click here to make a donation to TI Georgia
It is TI Georgia's policy to accept funding from any donor (whether monetary or in kind), provided that this acceptance does not impair our independence to pursue our mission or endanger our integrity or reputation.
TI Georgia does not risk jeopardizing its reputation for honesty, openness, and integrity by receiving funding from sources that were perceived to be pursuing activities inconsistent with TI's mission. TI Georgia can receive funding from corporations and donors from the private sector. This does not imply any endorsement of a donating company's policies or record.
TI Georgia lists all donations over € 1,000 and publicly discloses them, including in its Annual Report and on its website. TI Georgia does not accept donations from companies that have been found to have engaged in corruption unless the company can demonstrate that this was a violation of the company's policies, that the breach of these policies is being addressed in an appropriate manner, or that its policies have been amended to prevent a similar violation in future.
TI Georgia does not accept anonymous donations above EUR 50 (we do accept social micropayments via Flattr, the origin of which we cannot always verify). In case TI Georgia receives an anonymous donation of more than EUR 50, the funds will be given to another charitable purpose.
Any donation to TI Georgia must be able to stand up to public scrutiny. TI Georgia's independence requires that a donor may be subject to the same criticism by Transparency International Georgia as any other organization or individual in a comparable situation. A donor accused of having been involved in corruption can expect no protection from TI Georgia.
TI Georgia has received funding for specific programs and activities from the following donors:
- American Bar Association Central European and Eurasian Law Initiative (ABA/CEELI),
- British Council Georgia,
- British Embassy Tbilisi,
- British Foreign & Commonwealth Office,
- British Petroleum Georgia (BP),
- Canada Fund,
- Canadian Embassy Ankara,
- Center on Budget Policy Priorities,
- Dutch Embassy Tbilisi,
- Eurasia Partnership Foundation,
- EU – European Commission Delegation to Georgia,
- Gebrüder Weiss - Transport and Logistics,
- German Marshall Fund – Black Sea Trust for Regional Cooperation,
- Irish Department of Foreign Affairs,
- IRIS Georgia,
- Microsoft (in-kind contribution),
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland,
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia,
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Poland,
- National Endowment for Democracy (NED),
- Norwegian Government (through Transparency International Secretariat),
- Open Society Georgia Foundation (OS-GF),
- Open Society Institute (OSI),
- Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE),
- Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe - Mission to Georgia,
- Oxfam Novib,
- Polish-Czech-Slovak Solidarity Foundation,
- Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC),
- Transparency International Secretariat (TI-S),
- UK Department for International Development (DFID),
- UK-Georgia Professional Network (UGPN).