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NGOs respond to the Rustavi 2 asset freeze

17 August, 2015

  On August 11, upon request of Rustavi 2’s former owner Kibar Khalvashi and his company Panorama LLC, Tbilisi City Court ordered freeze on the assets of TV company Rustavi 2 and restricted some of the functions of its director and stakeh

Asset declaration systems: Lessons for Georgia

05 August, 2015

  The fight against corruption plays a pivotal role in global as well as national development strategies. Public officials, who abuse their office for private gain, not only hamper the proper functioning of public administration, but also e

Georgia must better protect the whistleblowers

29 July, 2015

The legislation on whistleblower protection exists in Georgia since 2009. However, both the existing legislative framework and its enforcement are lackluster. These shortcomings became even more salient in March 2015, when Ruslan Baziashvili, a polic
