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Food Safety in Georgia

12 January, 2010

Food safety in itself is important but it also has wider significance beyond the immediate khinkali dripping juice onto your lap. Issues involving food security, agriculture policy, import substitution, export markets and free trade are implicitly ti

Fighting Unemployment in Georgia

12 January, 2010

Georgia is among the countries lagging in development. Economic advancement and production have not yet even caught up to the levels they stood at 15 years ago. Poverty is omnipresent and unemployment rampant. Official statistics indicate the unemplo

Division of Authority in Georgia

12 January, 2010

When evaluating the performance of any country or government on its promises of liberal and democratic reform, it is important to first assess how power and authority are divided in the given country and how we can qualify it in terms of regime. Only

Competition in Georgia

12 January, 2010

This paper offers a brief overview of competition law in Georgia. Apart from the fact that “competition is the basic organising principle of our economic system,” the importance of an examination of competition practices is underlined bec

Public Opinion Survey on Parliament of Georgia

12 January, 2010

Citizens have little information about the activities of parliament Tbilisi, Georgia – Transparency International Georgia (TI Georgia) published the results of a public opinion survey on the Georgian parliament that was conducted by the Caucasus
