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State Employment Programmes: Politics Aside?

12 January, 2010

State-financed employment programmes have become a new tradition since 2006. While the true scale of the unemployment problem in Georgia is misrepresented by the official statistics, the actual magnitude of unemployment is acknowledged by the heavy f

Reforming Georgia's Social Welfare System

12 January, 2010

For a country like Georgia with some 50-55% of the population living below the poverty line and some 15% living in conditions of extreme poverty, the need for a coherent and sustainable social security policy is urgent. Georgia inherited the Soviet s

Reform of Georgia's Defence Sector

12 January, 2010

Two major developments have characterized activity in Georgia’s defence sector since the 2003 Rose Revolution: intensified effort to hasten Georgian accession to NATO and, correspondingly, large-scale infrastructural and long-term planning refo

Reforming the System of National Statistics in Georgia

12 January, 2010

National statistics, among many other policy issues, is given significant attention in the European Neighbourhood Policy Action Plan (section 4.5.5). The ENP AP stipulates that reform of national statistics should take two forms: first, statistical m

Property Rights in Post-Revolutionary Georgia

12 January, 2010

Guaranteeing the right to property is essential to defining a market economy-driven liberal state. The right to privately own property (as opposed to collectively where in principle all members of a given society own some portion of something, but in

Political Parties in Georgia: Issues of Party Financing

12 January, 2010

Political parties are necessary for the functioning of a modern democracy. The strength and degree of institutionalisation of a party system is often invoked as a reliable measure of the strength of democracy itself in a given country. Evaluation of

Reform or Retouch?: Georgia's "New Wave" of Democracy

12 January, 2010

In his address to the Georgian parliament this summer, Joe Biden pointed to fundamental flaws within the Georgian political system and called for action to be taken. "The Rose Revolution will only be complete when... issues are debated inside this
