Kutaisi Municipality inappropriately fulfills its commitment on proactive provision of public information - საერთაშორისო გამჭვირვალობა - საქართველო

Kutaisi Municipality inappropriately fulfills its commitment on proactive provision of public information

20 March, 2018

The City Hall and the Assembly of Kutaisi Municipality do not fulfill their commitment on proactive provision of public information appropriately. The research conducted by Transparency International Georgia revealed the following findings:

· On August 27, 2014, Kutaisi City Assembly adopted the Resolution #32 that determined the rule how to provide public information proactively;

·  Information published on the web page (http://www.kutaisi.gov.ge) of City Hall and City Assembly does not meet the resolution requirements given in the list of public information that should be provided proactively;

·  It is hard to use a search function of the  webpage of City Hall and City Assembly and this hinders access to public information;

· The Resolution #32 does not oblige public institutions of Kutaisi Municipality to provide such important and useful information for public as: HR policy, forms/templates and rules and procedures of administrative complaints; budgetary progress reports, information on paid salaries and bonuses, business trip and transportation costs, etc.

Detailed information can been seen in infographics

Transparency International Georgia calls on Kutaisi City Hall and City Assembly to promptly fulfill its commitments prescribed by resolution #32 (adopted on August 27, 2014) and upload comprehensive information on their official web page.  It is also advisable to amend the resolution #38 and, similar to the Government Resolution #219, broaden the scope of information that should be publicized. In addition, we call on Kutaisi City Hall and City Assembly to have two separate web pages and not the joint one and simplify search function of the web page.


The publication was prepared with financial support of the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs