Assessment of the 2016 Parliamentary runoff elections
Transparency International Georgia monitored the 30 October Parliamentary runoff elections with 250 observers. Our organization’s stationary observers were allocated to 197 polling stations. Moreover, 28 mobile groups monitored the process of the elections.
In overall, the electoral process was conducted in a calm environment, the absolute majority of polling stations opened and closed on time. The drawing and counting of votes was held without without any moderately seriously violations. Our observers found around 70 relatively serious procedural violations. We have filed 11 complaints. These violations could not have a significant influence on the outcome of the elections.
The electoral administration delivered a satisfactory performance on all three levels. In overall, the CEC supported for a timely counting of the votes and publication. At this moment around 65% of preliminary votes are published. The CEC conducted periodically conducted briefings to notify the public of the incoming results.
We believe that it is expedient to:
- Raise the qualifications for the electoral staff, especially those working at the district level, which stand out as least qualified during every elections
- Change the rules of the formation of the elections commission. It's important that election commissions are structured with the professional staff.
- Establish e-voting system that will help CEC lead the process without any gaps and simplify the counting procedure.
- It is crucial that specific forces react in time to all kinds of violations including administrative mistakes and more important violations that were frequently occurring during the elections day and pre election period.
- It is important to start thinking about establishing new electoral system in Georgia that will reflect the amount of votes of the political parties to the mandates that they get.
Monitoring of 2016 runoff parliamentary elections is possible thourgh the financial support of the following organizations: Polish Aid, SolidarityFund PL, Open Society Georgian Foundation.