Assessment of performance of the Georgian Parliament 2015 - საერთაშორისო გამჭვირვალობა - საქართველო

Assessment of performance of the Georgian Parliament 2015

11 July, 2016

Transparency International Georgia (TI Georgia) conducts an annual assessment of the Parliament’s activities as part of its parliamentary monitoring program. The parliamentary team of our organization is actively engaged in the process of monitoring parliamentary performance. It publishes periodic reports in order to inform and update the public on activities of the Parliament and ensure transparency of its performance. 2015 report is the third report published by TI Georgia. 

TI Georgia’s 2015 report on the Parliament’s performance is based upon analysis of the information obtained by our organization, observations of our parliamentary offices and statistical data retrieved from the Parliament.The report also presents results of the public opinion poll conducted by CRRC throughout Georgia in March of 2016 upon request of Transparency International Georgia. 