Statement concerning the Case of Rustavi 2 - საერთაშორისო გამჭვირვალობა - საქართველო

Statement concerning the Case of Rustavi 2

13 July, 2016


Today, legal representatives of Rustavi 2 have appealed the decree of Tbilisi Court of Appeal to the Supreme Court of Georgia. As a result of the hearing in the court of second instance, the decision of the Tbilisi City Court stating the ownership of 100% shares of the company by Kibar Kalvashi remained unaffected.   

The civil sector has been intensively observing the ongoing trials. During this period, we have made several statements concerning the issues of the whole process, including the decreased period of appeal, as well as the groundless court ruling.

Taking into account some of the circumstances as a background to the hearings in Tbilisi Court of Appeal and especially in the court of first instance, the doubts are strengthened on the possible political influence on the judiciary in the case what we are highly concerned by. Especially in the pre-election period, these series of events around the critical television, that can possibly cause a change in its editing politics, damages the pluralistic media environment, as well as the quality of democracy of the country.

We urge the Supreme Court of Georgia to consider and trial the case with the complete protection of the legislation, in order to exclude the questions about possible political interests in the case that are present during the trials.


TI Georgia




Atlantic Council of Georgia

