Corruption and anti-corruption policy in Georgia: 2012-2016 - საერთაშორისო გამჭვირვალობა - საქართველო

Corruption and anti-corruption policy in Georgia: 2012-2016

23 September, 2016

Tbilisi, 4 October 2016 – Transparency International Georgia today published a review assessing the events that have unfolded in Georgia with regard to corruption and anti-corruption policy since the 2012 parliamentary election and until today. The review covers both the changes in the legal framework and the key trends identified in practice.

During this period:

  • Georgia's international corruption ratings slightly improved in 2012-2016;
  • Several important positive amendments were made to Georgia's anti-corruption legislation. Of special note among them is the introduction of the system of monitoring of public officials' asset declarations. The adoption of the new National Anti-Corruption Strategy and Action Plan was also a step forward;
  • At the same time, the legislation still has some flaws and its effective enforcement is problematic;
  • In 2016, there was a significant increase in the number of citizens who think that misuse of power for personal gain by public officials is widespread in Georgia;
  • Ensuring effective response to the possible cases of high-level corruption and political corruption remains a challenge;
  • Informal governance of the country remains a challenge. Former Prime Minister Ivanishvili maintains informal influence over the government. His influence is, in some cases, used to favour companies connected to him while the corresponding decisions are made as a result of a process that is not transparent;
  • It is alarming that employment of the ruling party members and activists in public service and state companies is used as an instrument of reward.