Transparency International Georgia’s statement on the current election process (07:00 -12:00) - საერთაშორისო გამჭვირვალობა - საქართველო

Transparency International Georgia’s statement on the current election process (07:00 -12:00)

08 October, 2016

At this point, from our observation, we can say that the 2016 election is going peacefully. Absolute majority of the electoral districts, where our observers are monitoring, have been opened on time.

By this time, our observers have reported up to 50 insignificant and relatively serious violations. We have filed 5 complaints. Some of the serious violations are following:

Across the country, commission members appointed by the United National Movement refused to participate in the ballot box draw process. Such cases were reported at the following districts and precincts:

  • Both precincts of Zugdidi
  • Batumi (district- 4, precinct -68.79)
  • Chkhorotsku (district - 27, precinct – 67.69)
  • Sagarejo (district - 36, precinct – 23.11)
  • Gurjaani (district – 30, precinct – 24.12)
  • Akhaltsikhe (district – 35, precinct 44.37)

District 18, precinct 65.67 in Zugdidi was opened with 45 minutes delay, as the necessary equipment to conduct the polling station was not delivered in a timely manner.

There were several cases when two representatives from the same party were present at one district. (Bolnisi, Akhalkalaki and Akhaltsikhe).

At four districts (Batumi district- 8, precinct -69.73; Krtsanisi district – 18, precinct 07.04; Kutaisi district – 55, precinct 49.48; Gori district – 22, precinct 41.32;), our observers were not allowed to the polling station, however after the intervention of the election commission the problem was eradicated.

District 28, precinct 54.55 of Khoni delivery and receipt act numbers didn’t match the seals numbers.

District 2, precinct 46.41 of Ninotsminda there were several cases of more than one person being in the polling cabin. Also, there are massive cases when in Akhakalaki and Ninotsminda districts when Commission Chairman doesn’t know Georgian language, thus, cannot file the complaint.

District 30, precinct 30.20 of Rustavi and district 72, precinct 35.22 couple of observers reported the cases when members of the commission allowed voters with expired ID cards to vote.

In Shida Kartli the member of the commission accompanied the voter in the polling cabin and helped to vote. (District -13, precinct – 40.33, Kareli)

Transparency International Georgia (TI Georgia) has deployed 400 observers to monitor October 8 Parliamentary elections. Our static observers will cover 300 precincts throughout the country. In addition, 52 mobile groups are mobilized to observe the elections.

On election day TI Georgia will hold three press conferences at 12:30, 16:30 and 20:30 in order to present preliminary assessments of election day developments. Final assessments will be provided nn October 9 at 12:00. Additional statements will be made upon necessity.


Author: Transparency International Georgia
Gvote, GVote2016