Municipal tender results for 2015 - საერთაშორისო გამჭვირვალობა - საქართველო

Municipal tender results for 2015

02 February, 2016


Transparency International Georgia continues to monitor public procurement. This time, we analyzed the results of tenders announced by municipalities[1] in 2015.

In 2015, a total of 10,776 tenders were announced by all 72 municipalities and their subordinate agencies. Of these, 7,674 (71.2%) tenders resulted in successful agreements between suppliers and procurers, 2,090 (19%) tenders failed,[2] 402 (3,7%) were completed with a negative outcome,[3] 355 (3.3%) were canceled,[4] and 255 (2.3%) are still ongoing. In other words, the tender success rate for 2015 was 71.2%, leaving the portion of unsuccessful tenders due to various reasons at 26.5% (the remaining 2.3% of last year’s tenders are still ongoing).

The City Halls of Tbilisi, Kutaisi, and Batumi as well as Terjola municipality and the Tbilisi Transport Company announced the most number of tenders in 2015. Tbilisi City Hall announced 657 tenders last year, of which 69.6% resulted in procurement contracts. The tender success rates for Kutaisi and Batumi City Halls were 73.4% and 79.2%, respectively. Terjola municipality announced 385 tenders, with a 79% success rate. Finally, Tbilisi Transport Company announced 373 tenders, with a 59.3% success rate.

The highest portion on unsuccessful tenders (failed, completed with a negative outcome, or cancelled) was observed at Tighvi (56.2%), Mtskheta (53.42%), Dusheti (49.42%), Senaki (47.42%), and Tetritskaro (47.42%) municipalities.

The highest success rate was observed in Akhalgori (100%), Tsalka (92.31%), Akhalkalaki (89.58%), and Ambrolauri (89.55%) municipalities.

Follow this link for a full dataset on municipal tenders.

Figure # 1

Figure # 2


[1] In case of Tbilisi municipality we have included Tbilisi City Hall, and District Administrations as well as their subordinate agencies, Legal Entities of Public Law (LEPL), Non-Commercial Legal Entities, and companies whose majority shares (more than 50%) are held by Tbilisi City Hall.

[2] Failed – a status automatically assigned to a tender that did not receive any bids.

[3] Completed with a negative outcome – a status assigned to a tender after an authorized representative of a procuring entity uploads a corresponding tender committee protocol and other documents (if applicable) confirming that one or more contestants with the lowest bid had been disqualified. This status cannot be assigned to a tender that did not receive any bids.

[4] Cancelled – a status that can be assigned to a tender by an authorized representative of a procuring entity only after they upload a corresponding tender committee protocol explaining the basis for terminating the tender. This status can be assigned to a tender at any point, except after the signing of the contract.

Author: TI Georgia