Guidebook for journalists: Use open data - საერთაშორისო გამჭვირვალობა - საქართველო

Guidebook for journalists: Use open data

29 July, 2014

Georgia has many online resources, active use of which makes journalists’ work much easier: public registry website contains information on owners and directors of all Georgian companies; asset declarations of public officials are easily accessible. One can also find data on public procurement and find out identities of donors of political parties online.

Georgian media outlets still have not fully grasped all the benefits of online resources. This is why TI Georgia decided to compile all useful online resources in a single guideline for media representatives. We would like to provide journalists and all interested citizens with the information on Georgian open data sources. This way we hope to encourage more frequent use of these resources to prepare interesting blogs, articles or research.

This guidebook contains list of useful online resources, as well as tips and advice for journalists on how to better use them. We would like to keep updating our guidebook and we ask you to tell us about more interesting websites that are not included here:

Author: TI Georgia