After the Tbilisi flood: What should be done next - საერთაშორისო გამჭვირვალობა - საქართველო

After the Tbilisi flood: What should be done next

24 June, 2015


„მზიურის“ პარკი სტიქიის შემდეგ

After the tragic events of 13 June, it is important to discuss issues associated with handling the crisis more effectively and future steps on how to recover. It is clear that without detailed analysis of the state structures it is impossible to figure out the specific recommendations; however we consider it reasonable to emphasize some systematic recommendations in view of the international practice.

Crisis control and coordination of state offices:

1. Studying the system of crisis control, deep analysis of the actions of state institutions during the events of 13 June, and earlier detection of problems and possible solutions in the future.

  • The government should estimate the loss in time and coordinate all the donations and other kinds of support, in order to reimburse the loss to the victims;

  • The state should figure out how to deal with the problems of the victims, who didn’t have their property registered in accordance with the law;

2. Figuring out the crisis control plan and implementing it on national and local level. It is important that the plans should be relevant to topics (natural disasters, war, revolutions, etc). It is also important to determine the type of the crisis according to its complexity.  The plan should include the coordination system of the state offices, as well as selected officials and offices which will be responsible for specific actions. This is necessary  to determine the ways and procedures of the internal and external communications as well.

  • For the effective implementation of the crisis control plan verified by the state, it is important to hold workshops for all the involved state offices, in order to guarantee their regular action;

  • At the same time, starting the discussion about the obligatory insurance of real estate is a very considerable topic, including the obligatory insurance of real estate by the employed citizens in order to prevent the country being responsible for all the loss caused by the crisis;

Environmental protection:

3. Strengthening the abilities of The Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Protection, especially in the way of creating a system for the prevention of natural disasters and early notices about them;

4. Implementing big infrastructural projects after conducting all the relevant researches and by considering the possible impact on the environment;

Urban policy:

5. Protecting the natural landscape of the cities, including Tbilisi. Limiting the settlement in the urban recreation zones;

6. Creating the general plans of cities’ development considering all the important factors, including natural conditions;

7. Correction of Tbilisi transport politics by observing the international experience and best practice.

Author: TI Georgia