Transparency International Georgia’s statement on the ongoing Election Day developments (07:00 - 13:00) - საერთაშორისო გამჭვირვალობა - საქართველო

Transparency International Georgia’s statement on the ongoing Election Day developments (07:00 - 13:00)

21 October, 2017


At this point, from our observation, we can say that the 2017 local self-government elections are being held in a largely peaceful environment. The absolute majority of the electoral precincts, where our static observers are stationed, have been opened on time.

By this time, our observers have reported up to 50 insignificant and relatively serious violations. We have filed 3 complaints. Some of the serious violations are following:

Indirect intimidation of voters at electoral precincts

By this time a very alarming trend is observed in all electoral districts in Tbilisi. Nearly in all precincts, where our static observers are stationed, there are instances of representatives of electoral subjects standing over the registrator and taking notes of the unique voter list number from the list of voters. The representatives of the Georgian Dream and Leftist Alliance are the most active in this regard. By identifying the unique voter list number, an electoral subject can compare it to the publicly displayed voter list and obtain the following personal data of the voter: name, surname, date of birth and place of registration. This can result in personal data going public and also be used for voter intimidation.

Our static observer sent us an audio recording that captures a conversation of Ketevan Kopadze, the chairperson of the 21st precinct of Saburtalo’s 3rd electoral district. The audio recording captures Kopadze saying that she had contacted the Georgian Dream, namely L. Japaridze, who told her that it was acceptable for unique voter numbers to be recorded as long as the identification number wasn’t recorded.

It is impossible to control whether someone is recording only the unique voter number or the identification number. According to the statement by the Central Election Commission, this is not a violation. However, we do not agree with this assessment. We have filed complaints on every such instance at all respective electoral precincts.

We call upon the Central Election Commission to put an end to this practice. Moreover, the Office of the Personal Data Protection Inspector should take interest in this matter.

Intimidation of our observer

A representative, allegedly from the Georgian Dream, verbally insulted and physically threatened our observer outside the territory of the 64th precinct of the 6th Saburtalo district.

Admittance of observers to electoral precincts

For a period of time, the commission members did not let observers into the polling station building at the 85th and 43rd electoral precincts of the 6th Samgori district. After a brief time, the observers were admitted into the precincts.

Commission members refusing to participate in casting of lots

One of the commission members in the 1st electoral precincts of the 8th Didube district refused to participate in the casting of lots. Nevertheless, the head of the commission still allowed the member to perform the preferred duties. Our observer has filed a complaint on this matter.

Filling out the control sheet in violation of the rules

The control sheet at the 24th electoral precinct of the 4th Krtsanisi district was signed by the first voter, however, this voter wasn’t the registered voter for that precinct. Our observer has filed a complaint on this matter.

Voting by a voter with traces of ink

The commission at the 10th electoral precinct of the 10th Gldani district allowed a person with traces of ink on hand to vote. Our observer has filed a complaint on this matter.

About the Election Observation Mission of Transparency International Georgia:

Transparency International Georgia (TI Georgia) deployed 250 observers to monitor the October 21 local self-government elections. Our static observers cover 200 precincts throughout Tbilisi. In addition, 16 mobile groups are mobilized to observe the elections.On election day TI Georgia will another press conferences at 20:30 in order to present interim assessments of election day developments. Final assessments will be provided on October 22 at 11:30. Additional statements will be made upon necessity.
