Statement of the Constitutional Commission Members on the Constitutional Initiative of the Ministry of Justice - საერთაშორისო გამჭვირვალობა - საქართველო

Statement of the Constitutional Commission Members on the Constitutional Initiative of the Ministry of Justice

15 December, 2017

With the given statement, we would like to respond to the initiative of the Ministry of Justice of Georgia, which threatens to worsen the constitutional standard of freedom of information. 

From the very outset, the constitutional commission agreed that constitutional standards of protection would not deteriorate for any of the rights. We would like to underline that as a result of the commission’s efforts, the constitutional norms regulating freedom of information were not only maintained but even improved. Among others, this was an issue, for which the commission members had reached consensus.

As it widely known, the constitutional commission had been working on constitutional amendments for four months.  The Ministry of Justice had never expressed its position about protection of freedom of information and personal data at any of the sessions of the commission. It is noteworthy that the Venice Commission had not expressed any remark or recommendation with regard to the articles on freedom of information. In addition, the amendment had not been exposed to public discussions.

As we are aware, the Parliament of Georgia is currently reflecting the recommendations of the Venice Commission in the Constitution. Consequently, we call on the Parliament to stick to the task and refrain from changing those articles that have been already agreed and adopted by the Commission through intensive discussions.

Members of the commission:

Vaktang Natsvlishvili

Vakhtang Khmaladze

Eka Gigauri

Arnold Stepanian

Ana Phirtskhalashvili

Ana Natsvlishvili
