TI Georgia is 13 years old - საერთაშორისო გამჭვირვალობა - საქართველო

TI Georgia is 13 years old

07 May, 2013

Transparency International Georgia (TI Georgia) became 13 years old today. Founded in 2000 with only small number of employees, TI Georgia’s initial mission was to monitor executive and legislative institutions during a very difficult period, the Shevardnadze presidency. At that time we were able to offer our recommendations and observations to the government and international organizations. After 13 years the staff of TI Georgia is five times larger than it was when the organization was founded. We now have offices in the Parliament and regions: Batumi, Kutaisi and Zugdidi. Through our regional offices we are able to serve our goal of increasing accountability and transparency beyond the capital as well. 

We would like to thank all our partners, donors, volunteers and victims of corruption for their cooperation and support over the years. It is only with your help that we are able to achieve positive change and accomplish our mission: increase government accountability and transparency, participate in policy-making, and work towards the elimination of corruption. 

The TI Georgia team

