Announcement: best corruption story contest
30 November, 2012
In connection with International Anti-Corruption Day on December 9, Transparency International Georgia is collecting interesting corruption-related stories from our users.
We are inviting all of our friends and followers to use our platform to tell the broader public about how corruption has affected their lives, times when they have encountered corruption, and ideas they have for combating corruption in Georgia. We welcome anyone with a unique personal experience to record videos and send them to us, and we are particularly interested in stories from the soviet period.
What we want from you:
- Send us 2-3 minute videos depicting a person sharing their personal experience of corruption. The narrator should speak in their native language. Videos don’t have to be of a great quality.
- Feel free to interview friends, acquaintances, parents, or grandparents who have interesting experiences to share.
- If you have a good story but don’t have any recording equipment, let us know and we can arrange an interview using our video camera.
Contact us in any of the following ways:
- Email your recorded or written stories to:
- Tweet us: @TIGeorgiaEng, @TIGeorgiaGeo, using the hashtag #anticorruption.
- Post content or coments to our Facebook wall or send a message:;
- By sending material to us in any format, the user allows TI Georgia to edit (select quotes and add subtitles) and publish it.
- A short film will be made from the collected videos which will be shown at conferences and events organized by TI Georgia.
- TI Georgia will award the author of the best story with a prize.
Hurry: the deadline for submitting videos is December 6 13, 2012.