The Business of Government (Sida) - საერთაშორისო გამჭვირვალობა - საქართველო

The Business of Government (Sida)

The Business of Government project was launched on 1 July 2012 and is implemented through a SEK 15 300 000 grant provided by Sida. The project is due for completion in summer 2015.

Through this project, TI Georgia will continue to bring transparency to selected critical sectors and institutions through in-depth research, analysis, and innovative uses of technology. TI Georgia will use the results of its research to strengthen democratic institutions and legislative regimes through targeted advocacy and by building the capacity and engagement of civil society organizations, the public, and the media with the task of overseeing the government. TI Georgia will create public monitoring tools and generate information to ensure that Georgia will continue to improve transparency and democratic accountability.

Amount: 15300000 SEK
Duration: 30 June, 2012 - 30 August, 2015